Chef Jeff Brauer
I was born near Cincinnati and raised in Montana. My interest in cooking started at a young age. My mom loved all things French and cooked a variety of classical French dishes. I even helped my grandma with baking. As a young adult, I furthered my hands-on culinary education by eating my way through Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Northern Africa, the Caribbean, and South America. I graduated from Montana State University with a degree in Agricultural Business, then received a degree at the Pacific
Institute of Culinary Arts in Vancouver, British Columbia.
After graduation, I spent time in the remote areas of Alaska cooking for fishermen and hunters. For a year I worked as Executive Chef at the Newport Syndicate in Greater Cincinnati where I oversaw the fine-dining restaurant, large banquets, and catering events.
Then came almost a decade of chef work at the Yellowstone Club. For years I was their primary private chef. Cooking for the club’s prospects, owners, and guests. Most of my work was done in their homes. Later I worked at other exclusive Discovery Land Management Properties including Mountaintop Golf and Lake Resort in North Carolina, Gozzer Ranch in Couer d’Alene, and Bakers Bay in the Abacos of the Bahamas.
I enjoy my Montana roots and all this area has to offer. I’m pleased to offer my services as a Big Sky chef to fellow Montanans and visitors to the region.